February 28, 2011

Twitter Inspired Debate: Does Winning Cure All?

I give Aaron a lot of credit. The amount of crap he takes for being a LeBron James fan is amazing. Never have I seen people so eager to antagonize a man for his love of a player. After James missed the game tying 3-pointer Sunday night against the Knicks, the hatred for King James flooded all social networking sites, prompting Aaron to post this tweet:

The quick answer? Yes. Of course. But there's a lot more to it than just, "Winners get to do what they want." (Which was my smart-ass response by the way).

Of course winning is a cure all for any fan. But championships aren't the only things that attract people. American media has always focused around the feel-good story. Regardless of how desensitized we are to the murders and fires that happen everyday, we still love a good trial and triumph story.

A five-time champion, Kobe Bryant's
rape allegations are a thing of the past.
It's not easy to root for a guy like Ben Roethlisberger or Kobe Bryant. Adultery and rape allegations are major flaws that no one can support. But how many times during the NFL playoffs did you hear about Big Ben "overcoming adversity"? Isn't that what this country is all about? It has always been in our DNA to forgive and forget; to see people defeat the demons that have plagued their lives.

Regardless of what these athletes may have done in the past, or what they will do in the present or future, they are a success. And in this day and age, that's all that matters. People have piled on Tiger Woods saying that "he's lost his mojo" and "his career is over". You don't just forget how to golf overnight...especially someone who normally wins more in one year, then most golfers in their career. Guaranteed if Woods were to win The Masters or ANY tournament this year, the media would rave about his ability to get over his past transgressions and will himself to victory.

Fans of those teams may say, "Hey, I don't give a damn about what he does on his own time, as long as he keeps winning for us, I'm okay with it." which is a flawed mentality. But sadly, it's the truth. And whether you admit it or not, you probably feel the same way.

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