June 7, 2011

The Lesser of Two Evils.

Last semester I took a class in Psychology at Texas Tech. This class was a requirement more than anything else, and one in which I didn't expect to learn much. After the Miami Heat's closeout victory of Chicago, I began to ponder who my choice was to bring home the title. Then, for some strange reason, I remembered something that I learned in Psychology: "Occam's Razor." It states: "A principle that generally recommends selecting the competing hypothesis that makes the fewest new assumptions, when the hypotheses are equal in other respects." In English, the one that is simpler to choose.

Hit the jump for the breakdown.

The Dallas Mavericks:

Being a fan of the San Antonio Spurs, there is no team that I hate more than the Mavericks. Sure, many would say the Lakers are our number one rival, but I have respect for their organization. (Seeing as how half the Laker fans in San Antonio think "West side" is the same as the "West Coast")

All they care about it winning championships, and they have won them. This is a contrast to the team up north, who loves to collect regular season banners. I have no respect for the Dallas Mavericks. In fact I don't care if they were to fold, or if the arena burned down. (with nobody in it of course, i'm not that insensitive) Dirk Nowitzki is arguably the best foreign player of all-time, and the only Mavs player I love to watch. Jason Terry is a sorry sack of shit. He talks to much, plays dirty, and just comes off as an pompous asshole. J.J. Barea being 5'5 (we all know he is not 6'0 even though that's what the league says he is) is a pretty incredible story. I don't care however, because he plays for the wrong team. I could go on, but I would end up in a hospital bed from a heart attack. As you can see, there is no way in hell that I could pick Dallas to win it all. Then I look at the other side of the bracket...and I see Miami.

The Miami Heat:

It's very plain and simple, I despise LeBron James. There is nothing that will ever change my mind about the man. I'm sorry to everybody who adores him, but "King James" just rubs me the wrong way. Before I go any further, the previous statements do not mean I don't respect his game. He is the best player on EARTH! I understand there is man named Kobe who would argue that, but thats a topic for another time.

I see the Heat as the villains, the team that everybody loves to hate, and the team that everybody love to bandwagon on. They are the polar opposite of my team. They are high profiled, flashy, and modern. The Spurs are quiet, business like, and old school. Because of that, Miami will always feel like the bad guy to a certain part of the people. Unlike most, I never had a problem with how the team was constructed. As the saying goes, "there is more than one way to skin a cat." For the people out there who have a problem with how they went about it...whether it be "The Decision" or the fog machine party...get over it! So what if they "bought" a championship? I'm sorry your team wasn't smart enough to clear cap space to bring in three superstars. It doesn't matter "how" you win a championship, all that matters is that you WIN THE CHAMPIONSHIP. With that said, I just don't want LeBron to win a title.

The Verdict:

When its all said and done, I can live with "The Heatles" winning a title, and all the non-stop talk about LeBron James being so damn awesome. I can't live with the Maverick fan at all. For all the trash they talk about winning regular season banners, I can't even begin to fathom what bringing home the real thing would mean. I really wish the lockout would happen this instant, so that neither team could win. However, i am a realist, and I know the era of Tim Duncan and Kobe Bryant is over. It's time for the so called "Chosen One" to finally reign over the league. So I kneel to you king and say "KICK THE SHIT OUT OF DALLAS AND DON'T TAKE MERCY, OH PLEASE DON'T TAKE MERCY ON THEM!"

Miami finishes this thing in 6.

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