April 23, 2012

A Nation of Fanalysts

Apparently the answer was, "Because I wear his shoes and you don't motherf^%&er!"

I try not to watch First Take. I hate contributing to that shows ratings, because it gives Skip Bayless a bigger audience to troll. Actually, with the exception of a few programs, I hate watching ESPN period. The entire network has become focused more on the Entertainment aspect than Sports.

I saw the perfect analogy on Twitter today: "Skip Bayless is like a bad car accident you don't want to watch, but you always turn you head to look."

But ESPN has managed to take it to another level of stupidity today. Instead of using their own "analysts" who sometimes know what the fuck they're talking about, First Take has gone the way of SportsNation and continues to use pop culture icons (like Wale, pictured above) to generate more ratings, without actually talking sports.

A sports show, on a sports network, not talking about sports? That's Un-American!

The motivation for this post were the comments Wale made regarding the San Antonio Spurs. When posed with the question "Who wins the Western Conference?" Wale dismissed the idea saying the Spurs were "old and boring." TYPICAL NO NOTHING JACKASS ANALYSIS.

And even after Skip Bayless flooded him with facts and stats, Wale, again went full-retard and said "That's cute. What they're doing is really cute."


I try so hard to not overreact and go on profanity laced tirades when writing. And I also try not being biased. I'm about to fail at both of those. As a fan, I have to defend my team. So hit the jump for what is about to be the most vicious, caps-locked abused, Drew Magary inspired rant Blogger has ever seen.

LOOK HERE, OLUBOWALE. If that's even your real fucking name. I don't need you talking about my motherfucking team, with your girly locs (not his patented dreads, fucking locs like how women wear their hair. Do a Google Image search for "hair locs" if you don't know what I'm talking about.)

It was cool when Wale was out there trying to defend LeBron and promoting his album for ONE segment. But having that dickhead out there for a full two hours, spewing hatred and nonsense, is the closest thing to fucking torture I ever want to experience.

And it's not only him, but add on to that, the human shit bag that is Rob Parker...holy god. That guy is a fucking tool. He's literally ESPN 2's doormat. There is a reason why Rob is never on the big boy network. His job is to get prison raped by Skip Bayless and Michael Smith everyday. And he's EXCELLENT at it.

But getting back on track...

It's a growing epidemic in the sports world. No one can give an unbiased opinion anymore. It's no one's fault, it's just the way things have become.

It's one thing to be partial to one side of the debate and always fend for that side with REAL statistics. It's another thing to just throw out elementary disses because you're too much of a fucking moron to have an intelligent debate on a subject that you portray to know a lot about in your goddamn song lyrics. (Run-on sentence alert.)

So here's to you, Wale Folarin. May your album, "Ambition", forever sit in my Recycle Bin.

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